Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Where to Go: Top Destinations

From geographic graces and architectural arcadia, to underground nightlife and chill gastro pubs, to haute couture fashion districts and ultra cheap keepsake markets, there always seems to be a bucket list-worthy place starting somewhere that needs to be checked out. What would inspire your trip is really up to you, of course, but for your convenience, we’ve listed six of the Top Vacation Destinations this 2015. If you’ve never been to these places, you’re missing out big time.

Coron, Philippines.  This exquisite island in the Pearl of the Orient is definitely something to look forward to. You’d have to hike through a trail in the forest before you can indulge in its clandestine white-sand beaches. If you’re not satisfied in mere soaking under the sun, a few miles off the coast, you can dive and explore the lively, colorful underwater biodiversity.

Maui. Beach buffs, you should brace yourselves because Maui is now known as the Hawaii of the next generation. The Eastern coast is filled with luxurious cabins and resorts while the other side is now teeming with organic farms for sustainable economic development. Hawaiian tradition is also immensely preserved so you can still indulge in the culture while enjoying the modernity of first-class service from fancy hotels.

Haiti. No longer will your memories of this little Caribbean isle be of the 7.0 earthquake that turned it into rubble. It’s back to being a paradise, people! The place is brimming with economy-boosting five-star resorts and exclusive cruise ports. Tourism is largely boosted by travel itineraries that include exploring voodoo folklore, traversing the Marie-Jeanne cave and sampling the flavorful Creole delicacies. 

Malmo, Sweden. Gastro pubs and restaurants are swarming this Swedish city. One-by one, restaurants are being put up, each exploring a wide array of flavors that will surely you’re your taste buds on. Food is upgraded to art form, as famous names like Robert Jacobsson and Chef Robin Erikkson push boundaries with their out of this world delicious dishes emphasizing local delicacies.

Leipzig, Germany.  If you are culture vulture, Leipzig is the place for you. Teeming with local creatives the entire place is overflowing with classical and contemporary live-music venues, street murals, and former factories like Spinnerei and Tapetenwerk that have been transformed into art and photography museums – how sexy is that?

Florence. The cultural scene is experiencing a Renaissance as a local Florentine only known as ‘Blub’ steals the scene with street art series of classic and contemporary figures – from Piero della Franchesca’s Duke of Urbino, Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa and incumbent Pope Francis –donning diving goggles and scuba gear. The Maggio Musicale Fiorentino is also something to look forward to, aside from teeming vintage shops and local restaurants.

Cuba. Tourism is booming in this culture-rich spot primarily because of the reduced travel restrictions. Cruising is expected to boom this year as cruise companies offer sailing itineraries exploring the Canarreos Archipelago. Luxury golf resorts and quaint homey restaurants are the top go-to places.

It is awesome how there is always something new to look forward to somewhere; always a new place to check out, a new reason to travel. How about you? Have you gone somewhere new this year?

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